Year 6 Excursion State Theatre Centre

Year 6 classes will be attending a high school musical production at the State Theatre Centre Thursday 27th October.  Consent for the excursion is required to be completed and returned by Thursday 20h October.
Book Fair is Coming!

Book Fair is Coming!

Hi everyone, Our Book Fair is two weeks away! Next week, students will be spending some time looking at all the wonderful books that will be for sale at our 2022 Book Fair. All students will have an opportunity to create a ‘wish list’ of the books they...

Public Holiday Thursday 22 September

A public holiday as a national day of mourning for the late Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday 22 September Dear Parents and Carers,  As you will be aware, the Prime Minister has announced a public holiday as a national day of mourning for the late Queen Elizabeth II on...
Music Assembly 21 September 2022 Cancelled

Music Assembly 21 September 2022 Cancelled

The music assembly planned for Wednesday 21 September has been cancelled, reflecting the changes made to accommodate the Public Holiday on Thursday 22 September 2022. Our music students will now be participating in their rehearsal on Wednesday and will not be on...