School Board

Our school has established a School Board whose elected members work with the Principal and community to achieve the best outcomes for students.

Our Board seeks to attract a broad cross-section of people with a range of experience and expertise. Strong community and industry representation ensures the Board can make an even more significant contribution to the development of the school.

The Board upholds the vision for the school that reflects the aspirations and needs of our broad school community. The Board influences the strategic direction and governance of the school, with members bringing ideas and lending their expertise to strategic planning, and community partnerships. Professional skills in areas such as management, finance, procurement, marketing and cultural knowledge strengthen the school’s capacity to meet the needs of its students.

Board membership includes elected parents, elected staff and invited members of the community and the Principal. A comprehensive induction is provided for all board members and Board Training is made available by the Department of Education through on-line modules.

The Independent Public School board is a signatory to the Delivery and Performance Agreement with the Principal and Director General. There is also an expectation that the Board participates in the external review of the school that is undertaken by the Department of Education Services in the final year of the Delivery and Performance Agreement.

School Board Responsibilities

The School Board currently comprises of:


Community representatives

School staff members


The School Board meets twice per term on a Wednesday night commencing at 5.30pm. Meetings usually last for between 1 and 1.5 hours. The next Board meeting will be held in Term 2.

The School Board participates in:

  • endorsing the Delivery and Performance Agreement;
  • endorsing and reviewing annually the school budget and Business Plan;
  • processes to review school performance;
  • processes to determine satisfaction levels of parents, staff and students, with results reported in the school’s annual report;
  • endorsing the school’s annual report
  • the process for selecting the principal;
  • the Department of Education Services (DES) independent review of the school in the final year of the Delivery and Performance Agreement (with the report made public);
  • communicating with the broader school community regarding the Board’s function and activities;

The School Board takes part in:

  • establishing and reviewing from time to time, the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions;
  • planning financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions;
  • evaluating the school’s performance in achieving those objectives, priorities and directions;
  • formulating codes of conduct for students at the school; and
  • the selection of, but not the appointment of, the school principal or any other member of the teaching staff if prior approval is given by the Regional Executive Director.

The School Board approves:

  • a charge or contribution determined by the principal for the provision of materials, services and facilities;
  • the costs determined by the principal to be paid for participation in an extra cost optional component of the school’s educational program;
  • the items determined by the principal to be supplied by a student for the student’s personal use in the school’s educational program; and
  • an agreement or arrangement for advertising or sponsorship in relation to a government school.

The School Board positively promotes the school in the community.

Should you wish to be involved or ask any questions about your School Board, please feel free to contact me by email [email protected] or Jason Papps, the current School Board chair, on [email protected].

Board Composition 2022

Parent Representatives 

Peter Chambers
Board Chair

Rebecca Wheatley

Ashleigh Apps

Jacquelyn Van Niekerk

Bree Rampal

Niki Long

Darshan Shah

Kylie Duthie

Community Representatives

Dianne Mount-Bryson

David Michael, MLA
Member for Balcatta – ALP

School Representatives

Beverly Innes

Cathy Donald

Natasha Harlond
Manager Corporate Services

Staff Recognition

As an Independent Public School, the Board is tasked with helping maintain the high standards of Education at this school through policy review, the co-development of the Business Plan, and the continued review of the school’s results and achievements.

Each Term, the Board calls for nominations from staff, who notice other members of the School Staff Community exemplifying these standards, making our school a better place for its students. These awards are an important part of the feedback the Board receives from the School, as they capture what values and actions the Staff at the School value the most.