Latest News
Year Five Students – Apply NOW for Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Programs
Dear Parent or carer As our current Year Five students will be entering Year 7 in 2025, I wanted to let you know that applications for Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance programs are now open. These exceptional academic, arts and languages programs are...
Book Fair 2023
Kaya to our school community THANK YOU for an amazing and successful Book Fair for 2023. With your purchases, our school will benefit with approximately $2000 worth of school resources for our library. This is FANTASTIC! WE can look forward to receiving additional...
eNews 20.10.23
eNews 20.10.23
Uniform Shop Closed
The uniform shop is closed tomorrow Tuesday 17 October and will be re-opening as usual the following week. P & C
eNews 13.10.23
Collect your Referendum Refreshment Containers from the Staff Room!
THANK YOU for donating bake sale items for the P&C to sell during the Referendum Saturday 14 October 2023. Your containers are stacked on a shelf in our staff room - please pop past and collect them. Cheers, Bev Innes
Pyjama Day Monday 16 October
Kaya to our school community, Don't forget next Monday 16 October is Pyjama Day at school! An annual favourite event for our students (and staff!), wear your pyjamas to school day! For a gold coin donation, students can wear their pyjamas to school for the day –...
Book Fair
Kaya to our Tuart Hill Community Our annual Book Fair is next week! This year we will be hosting our book fair in the library, with all proceeds going directly to purchase additional resources for our school library. The library will be open for sales at the following...
Volunteers Needed – REFERENDUM SAUSAGE SIZZLE AND BAKE STALL – Saturday October 14th
The P&C is holding a BBQ sausage sizzle and bake sale on Saturday 14th October at school as part of the Voice to Parliament referendum. This is to raise funds for the new senior playground. We need volunteers on the day to help us run the stalls. If you can help...
Term 4 Sports Club
This term I am offering Sports Club on Wednesday mornings from 8-8.30am. Please be on time and meet at the venue. It will be a combination of skills and fitness and hopefully loads of fun for our students. For any families who were interested in the Dads and Daughters...