Kaya Tuart Hill Parents and Carers

We have some exciting events coming up – please save these dates in your diaries and join in the fun!

Term Three:

Week 9 Monday 11 September STORY DOGS Fundraiser

Did you know that our school has weekly visits from the volunteers at Story Dogs? Our students get the opportunity to read to their furry friends, increasing their literacy skills at the same time! For a gold coin donation, students are invited to wear ears and tails (one or the other, or both!) to school on Monday 11 September. All proceeds will go towards the volunteer Story Dog Program.

Week 10 Friday 22 Sept FOOTY COLOURS DAY

An AFL finals tradition here at Tuart Hill, for a gold coin donation, students are invited to wear their footy colours on Friday 22 September. Not an AFL fan? No problem! Students are permitted to wear their favourite sports team uniform/colours too! Proceeds from this fundraiser will be put towards the Year 6 student Yearbook.

Term 4

Week 2 Mon 16 OCT – PJ Day

An annual favourite event for our students (and staff!), wear your pyjamas to school day! For a gold coin donation, students can wear their pyjamas to school for the day – please remember to wear sneakers for recess, lunch and sports lessons. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be put towards the Year 6 student Yearbook.