Thursday 20 June Disco Update

Disco orders now closed. Please note $2 entry tickets will be available for purchase at the door for ALL discos. Note door sales for KINDY/PP disco will NOT include a snack pack. Pre-sold tickets will have wristbands delivered to classrooms Thursday afternoon, please...

Head Lice In School

Kaya parents and carers, We have had a number of reports of head lice across the school, from Kindergarten through to Year 6.  We know that head lice spread quickly – please check your child’s hair tonight and if lice are found, follow the information...
Traffic Warden Unavailable

Traffic Warden Unavailable

The Traffic Warden who works at the Children’s Crossing on Cape Street, near Banksia Street is unable to work Thursday afternoon the 30th May.  Unfortunately, we have no relief staff available to cover the position. Please be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden...