Senior Choir

Senior Choir

Dear parents and carers My name is Laura Keeley and I am the music teacher for 2023. Please see the attached notes regarding senior choir. Thanks in advance.  Senior Choir Parent Information Yr 5, 6 Choir note & contract...
Junior Choir

Junior Choir

Hi parents and carers My name is Laura Keeley and I am the  music teacher for 2023. Please see the attached notes for our junior choir this year. Thanks in advance Junior Choir Parent Information Yr 3, 4 Choir note & contract...
Canteen 2023

Canteen 2023

The canteen will be closed for orders week one, but will open for business as usual Tuesday 7th Feb Week 2. The menu is the same Summer Menu as Term 4 and copies will be available from the canteen counter. I will be in the canteen this week cleaning and organising...