Uniform Shop Change

Uniform Shop Change

The Uniform Shop will be open on Thursday 23rd March this week in lieu of Tuesday 21st March.  Orders will also be delivered on Thursday. Please check the Newsletter or Calendar on the website for future opening dates. Thank you  

Harmony Day Parade

Hi all, Harmony Week falls in Week 8. Our parade will be Thursday 23rd March at 8.45am in the hall. All students are encouraged to dress up in traditional dress or in orange for Harmony. Kindy A /C will have their own parade on Tuesday 21st outside their...
Hot Cross Buns P and C Fundraiser

Hot Cross Buns P and C Fundraiser

Hi parents and carers With the amazing support from Lawley’s Bakery, our wonderful P and C will be hosting an Easter Hot Cross Buns Fundraiser. Keep an eye open for the order forms, which will come home with your child this week. Orders and payments are due by...
Join Us for a Sundowner!

Join Us for a Sundowner!

Join us for a sundowner afternoon picnic to welcome you all into the new school year. Friday 17 March. 3.30 ~6 pm on the Senior Oval at School. Relax, enjoy the weather and meet our wonderful school community. All school parents and students are welcome! There will be...