It has been a very busy and successful term 3 this year and worth an update.

The P&C organised the Father’s Day Stall, the faction carnival bake sale, the ‘Back to School’ quiz night and the art auction.

We would like to thank the following people:

Niki Long and her helpers for all hard work in organising the stall.
Amanda Shelsher – for her amazing work in the art auction. The artwork all looked amazing and we are looking forward to further auctions in the future.
The fundraising team for the enormous effort that went into the quiz night
All those that donated and helped assist at the bake sale.

All these events have raised a massive $16, 500……AMAZING!!!

Term 4 will see:

The lapathon raffle
A “Doughraiser’ through Dominos Pizza
Swimming carnival bake sale
We are in planning mode for 2025 and looking for people to jump on board and help with this. Please contact [email protected] if you are keen to join the team.