Hello families,

It is our annual school sports carnival on the Friday 30th August and the P&C will be running their annual bake sale. We need your help please to donate the goods for us to sell. They can be home-baked, or they can be store baked, they can be faction colours, they can be mini chip packets, either way all donations are greatly welcomed.

You can drop them to the office the day prior, or bring them on the day and deliver them straight to the stall. This will be set up on senior oval, from 8.30am.

Please be mindful we are a nut aware school, and ask for no nut products.

On the day we would ask for any volunteers who could help sell the food, between watching the sports.

Please label all containers and collect them at the end of day directly from the stall if possible.

Any questions can be sent to [email protected]