Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s time for the students to put on their running shoes for this year’s annual Lapathon which will be held on Week 6 Friday, 17 November 2023

Kindergarten to Year 6 will run from 2.00pm – 2.50pm. The Kindergarten – Year One students will run on a modified track, which is inside the larger track for Years 2 -6 students.

The Tuart Hill Primary School Lapathon is all about learning how to keep fit and healthy. Running and walking helps improve your child’s level of physical fitness, and helps build healthy bones and muscles.  To celebrate this healthy initiative, students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have received a sponsorship form. All funds raised will go towards outdoor improvements such as shade provision and playgrounds.

Students are encouraged to seek sponsors prior to the Lapathon and use the attached form to record their sponsor’s name and amount pledged. On the day of the event your child’s class teacher will stamp a ‘lap record sheet’ to enable students to collect money from their sponsors per lap completed.

Sponsors are able to donate a bulk amount or an amount based on per lap completed. Pre – Primary to Year 1 lap distance will be 100 metres long and Years 2 to 6 lap distance will be 250 metres long.

All sponsorship money should be collected and returned to school by Friday, 24 November 2023.  Sponsorship money should be placed in an envelope or snap lock bag with your child’s name on it and returned to the Lapathon collection box in the front office.

This year, there will be TWO prizes awarded to the top two fundraisers from EACH YEAR LEVEL (not each classroom). Prizes will be in the form of a gift card from Rebel Sports.

Our theme for this year is FUN FLUORO FRIDAY. Students are encouraged to come dressed in bright, fluoro colours. Please be mindful of the weather and ensure tank tops and singlets are only worn over the top of a sleeved t-shirt.  Please ensure your child brings/wears the following items to the Lapathon with their names clearly labelled:

Hat and sunscreen
Running shoes
Water bottle
Ventolin or any necessary medication.
At the end of the day, the P & C fundraising committee will be providing a free icy pole for all students. The fundraising committee are also seeking volunteers to help chop up onions for the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on Sat 18 November 2023, so please hang around after school to lend a hand in the canteen. Further information about the sausage sizzle will be posted on the P&C Facebook Page.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Bell and Mrs Connolly

Sponsor Form Tuart Hill Primary School Lapathon 2023